Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Rory in Wonderland: Rory to Ground Control

Rory in Wonderland
A Second Life Kid's Blog
Rory to Ground Control
May 12th 2015, 14:40

So da Dream Kids Event will be back on May 15th, and da teme dis monf is about da universe. So imma sitting dere looking fru stuffs and I come across dis little outfit and I may or may not has squealed. Imma freaking astronaut! EH baby also has some udder cute little outfits dat will be at Dream Kids as well :D


Skin: {LPP} - Koko *Peach*
Freckles: {BunBun} - Sweetie Freckles (@ Hello Beautiful*NEW*
Body: **Cute Bytes** - Toddleedoo - Baby Girl
Eyes: L'Anguisette - Nightscape Eyes - Hazel
Teeth: ::FY:: - Baby Teeth
Outfit: .:EH Baby:. - Payload Commander Outfit (@ Dream Kids Event, May 15th) *COMING SOON*
(Includes: outfit, gloves, boots, helmet, and jet pack)
Pose: (.vix) - A Leap of Faith 5

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