Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Kaci's Keepsakes: ♥ Mummy, Me and Dolly makes three ♥

Kaci's Keepsakes
♥ Second Life Blog ♥
♥ Mummy, Me and Dolly makes three ♥
May 12th 2015, 07:55

It's not often I get to collaborate on a post with my awesome mummy.. but when I do get the chance, I grab it with both hands! I love doing pictures with my mummy and spending time with her.. so when asked to be in her blog post I was like YEAH!! Of course I had to blog it too.. this is my mummy's take on it, with the main focus of her post being our hair, find the post: here.

How adorable are the dollies from Snippet which you can get at The Play Room right now? I love them! I played the gatcha a good few times to make sure I got the outfit and the rare dolly. I have a few of the other dollies too, which have different colour hair.. but the rare doll is by far my fave. They even match your outfit and the clothes can be taken off.. which means that in the future there will be more dolly clothing so you and your dolly can match time after time! Yay! 

I'm loving this new hair my mummy introduced me to from elikatira. Those of you that remember pre-mesh elikatira hair will notice the striking resemblance to another hair from those days.. I think I've actually blogged it in the past, the non-mesh version.. so I think maybe it was updated to mesh and made even more awesome. Either way, it's adorable and fits us ToddleeDoo's, which always rocks.

I had to steal this video (at the very end of my post) from my mummy's post too.. because we were on voice and singing it at the top of our lungs and now every time I hear it I can't stop giggling like an idiot.. particularly at the part "What are you waiting for?!" where my mummy and I pretty much screamed it down the mic at each other. Our karaoke sessions where we get silly are hilarious. Love my mummy!

Right, I'm off to have a bath as I need to go and get ready.. 

Happy shopping everyone! ♥

Outfit: Pink Lollipop Top and Chocolate Leggings from Snippet 
(The Play Room - May 2015)
Boots: Brown Button Boot from Minuet
Hair: Darcy - Blondes from elikatira
Dolly: Dolly'n'Me :: BonBon Dolly RARE B from Snippet 
(The Play Room - May 2015)
Bracelet: Birthstone Heart Bracelet June from ToddleTeeZ 
(Hello Beautiful - May 2015)
Ring: Doughnut Ring from Yummy
Ring: Ice Cream Scoop Ring - Strawberry from tsg
Skin: No longer available - was from Bad Seed Boutique
Eyelashes: Eyelashes V2 from Little Pixels
Nails: Rainbow Glitter Stripe Nails from Awwdorable 

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