Tuesday, May 12, 2015

+Miniature Phashions+: + Come Out and Play Mister Owl +

+Miniature Phashions+
+ Come Out and Play Mister Owl +
May 12th 2015, 15:28

Featuring - Aphrodite "My Sweet Baby Owl" - Riding rocking Owl @ Cosmo
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2P5wqfJdlc&feature=youtu.be
Regular price: $750
Exclusive Price for Cosmo:  $575

Nyah is Wearing
[FK] Hillary Jumper Outfit Dottie
Comes with… Flip Flops w/ Bows, Turq/Lime purse, mesh romper

The Essentials..
J I L L Hair Dark – By Naomie Dirval
*-* Purretes *-* Eyelashes (Mesh)
::FY:: Baby Teeth 

As a blogger it can be hard to think of anything else, I am constantly thinking of what I have to blog next. What do I have to put out next to ensure that my sponsors are happy. My brain is constantly working and moving so that I can make sure that I put out a blog post in time despite the fact that it may not be intricately put together. I absolutely love blogging. I love the idea of someone clicking on one of my blog posts and thinking omg that outfit  I need it. I love that I may be bringing a store to someone's eyes that they didn't know was there before. Or that I am helping a store advertise. Whatever it is I may be doing by blogging I love it either way. I love taking pictures of my avatar and how clean some of the shots come out makes me want to do it all the more. But at some point I begin to lose sight of why I actually started blogging in the first place. It becomes a chore. With a handful of sponsors and outfits that come out faster than I can blog them I find myself thinking " I HAVE to blog this before I go to sleep tonight" instead of " I want to blog this before I go to sleep tonight" SOOOOOOOOOO I take breaks… small little breaks of about a day maybe two… maybe the weekend or maybe even a week and I won't apologize for it… I won't apologize to my sponsors with about 10 bloggers under their store doing the same outfit.. I won't apologize for wanting to refresh myself… with work and my sl family as well as blogging and school coming up soon. It can be overwhelming sooooo I encourage other bloggers to do the same I swear you will come back each time actually remembering why you started blogging in the first place. It can be stressful , it may seem like to the outside world that all your doing is putting on clothes and snapping a picture. No its more than that, its setting up the outfit, making sure colors go together, shoes, accessories, skins, inworld settings to ensure you have the highest quality photo. Details… Linking every store…. Making sure to highlight your sponsors along with being creative with each post. Its more than just point and shoot.   That is all for my rant phashionistas, just needed to vent.

Love Nyah a.k.a Mini Capone <3


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