Monday, May 11, 2015

Rory in Wonderland: Island Vacation

Rory in Wonderland
A Second Life Kid's Blog
Island Vacation
May 12th 2015, 05:01

So imma been gone da last two days... well, not gone... but not blogging or creating. Was busy in rl, and when I was in sl we was celebrating Mommy's Day. We surprised all da mommy's in our family wif a trip to a private island resort. Not gonna lie, mah talented nieces and mini daddy did mot of da work. But all da momma's cried... it was awesomes. And Now I'm back... expect more blog posts and some new outfits sooon :D


Skin: {LPP} - Koko *Peach*
Freckles: {BunBun} - Sweetie Freckles (@ Hello Beautiful*NEW*
Body: **Cute Bytes** - Toddleedoo - Baby Girl
Eyes: L'Anguisette - Nightscape Eyes - Hazel
Teeth: ::FY:: - Baby Teeth
Hair: [RA] - Velma Hair
Outfit: [Little Deer] - Harmonie Dress *NEW*
(Includes: dress and sandals)
Necklace: {T.T} Beautiful Princess Necklace
Bracelet: REIGN. - Boho Watch - Pink
Pose 2: *CS* Hey Mama 05 

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