Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Kaci's Keepsakes: ♥ I don't even know ♥

Kaci's Keepsakes
♥ Second Life Blog ♥
♥ I don't even know ♥
May 12th 2015, 07:09

This feels like an apt title of my post.. because I don't even know. I'm feeling pretty upset and stressed right now. I had the worst news in real life yesterday that added to all my other stresses. I kept crying on and off, I've gone through all emotions.. and now I feel a bit numb and lost. So.. yeah, the title is highly appropriate.

I actually tried to post this yesterday, but flickr wouldn't let me upload any pictures.. luckily it's behaving for me at the moment.

Anyways.. onto Second Life and let me talk about my outfit...

My adorable dress is from Dream. It comes in loads of different colours and even a fatpack if you wanted all of the different colours.. snag yours at La Boutique right now. It fits both baby and kid ToddleeDoo's too. If you've not been to La Boutique yet, why not?! There's so much cute stuff there. Break open your piggy banks because you're going to need all the lindens you can get. It's hard not to want to buy everything.

 Outfit: The Prairie Dress - Baked Blush from Dream 
(La Boutique - May 2015)
Tights: Bow Tights - White from Turducken
Shoes: schoolshoes/butterfly pink from {anc}
Hair: Ivana - pastels from Truth
Necklace: NEKOlace [Grey Tabby] from Half Deer
Skin: No longer available - was from Bad Seed Boutique
Eyelashes: Eyelashes V2 from Little Pixels
Pose: Preppy - Preppy 2 (m) from .click.

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