Sunday, June 3, 2012

Kaysha's World: Emo Baby

Kaysha's World
Emo Baby
Jun 3rd 2012, 11:10

Happy Saturday Bloggers!
Well I finally caught up on my Weekend shopping! I went to 50limited and Yabuloonies today, They  got some cute stuff! Yay for sale you dont wanna miss this out. Also for the 50limited ONLY 50 of them is sold and once they are gone they are gone for good. SO get them while you can. There Mesh stuff, There Furiture there stuff for babies skin tot kids oh man it loads. This even is runned by Dixxie! The Yabuloonies is just 65L sale on the weekend from Friday- Sunday! Things just for us Yabu babies! Cant go wrong. This event is runned by Amber! Anyways I swtiched back to my yabu avie. LOL i was bored, I went to the Go Go Gotcha again and tried to get more of the pacis and shirts Made by Bit and Jayme! I dugged through my inventory gosh it such a mess and i found this this cute outfit and sandles made by Jayme owner of razzberrys! I love it casue you can change the sandles colors and size the outfit fits how i feel today. OOO this paci that bit made for the gotcha thing. I love it you can make it where you can have your own name on it and what not. Also i got this Yabuloonie skin from  bit she made it where we can be happy or sad and catches the lips. I love it. Happy Saturday everyone! 

Body Parts:
Shape:*Oh Daisies* Yabu Shape 0.89 Meters /  2.91 Feet
Skin: *oh Daisies* Rissie Skin (YabuLoonies) Special Also I am wearing the hud for Cutebytes new skin called sweet where you can find it on the yabuloonie sale
Hair:[e] Other - Brown 08
Eyes:-Belleza- Eyes Eden Green Mel
Tattoo Layer:[C*K] Tatz! Simple Childlike Eyelashes
Yabu Avatar:< Yabusaka > Baby mesh avatar

Clothing and Other things:
Outfit:[RI] Emo Cloud Fit
Sandals:[RI] Baby Sandals(on sale for the yabuloonies)
Paci:**Cute Bytes** My Own Pacifier (Model 20) (at the go go gotcha for 50L)


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