Saturday, June 2, 2012

*AR* Furniture & more: *AR* Princess Nicole Tot Bedroom

*AR* Furniture & more
*AR* Furniture & more is a little shop on SL focused on kids. You can find with us: furniture, skins, shapes, clothes, accessories, toys, etc.
*AR* Princess Nicole Tot Bedroom
Jun 3rd 2012, 06:44

❀ AR- Princess Nicole Tot Bedroom Set-  This beautiful tot princess bedroom set includes a tot bed with side bars and top with princess crown  dossel and the frog princess on the end (touch frog to sign) comes with a swing, vanity with stool, nightstand with lamp, wardrobe, kitty, photo frames, shelf, rug, chandelier, and  comes with a beautiful carriage sofa and also comes with   wall art and wallpaper and floor texture. This Set adjust perfect to your tots or kids and allows you to interact with parents and friends.

 Complete Princess Nicole Tot  Set 133 Prims
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