Jumping BuddiesMay 16th 2018, 20:30, by noreply@blogger.com (AshChels Night)
Head: *TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE
⊱Headband(On Left): +Half-Deer+ Blossom Baby - Daisy Crown - Epiphany Exclusive⊱Headband(On Right): +Half-Deer+ Forest Charm - Sakura Headband (Pale) ⊱Necklace: {T.T}Marie Choker @ Sense Event-Sold as two different packs, one for kids and one for adults-Colour change hud to change colour of pearls and metals-Event is open May 15th - June 8th ⊱Watch: {T.T}Sports Watch - Group Gift-7 different colours-Resizer Included ⊱Pose: .click. Jumping Buddies ⊱Location: PAL Park: Play and Learn Park -Family Park |