Crazy adventures with Goldie...
for ToddleeDoo & ShrinkeeDoo Nail polish {Polished} TD Mermaid Summer - Single Nails - {HUD} NEW!5 different colors with gold and silver details also available for Bebe (Bad Seed) Eye Glasses {Kokoro} glasses - pink .::Cubic Cherry::. Goldie !Ohmai: Bloopie Goldfish Bag (Bi-Sunset) - Not available right now, I hope Any could come back as a designer with her luggage full of creativity. Hoverboard MadPea Hoverboard NEW!you can change the color by touch
**Goldie is safe ...don't worry!Jenna is fine...and her knees too!
Special thanks Lorena Mosely Elli Kenin Ingrid Adora Quinn-Darcy