Today I found this cool looking pirate boat, but there was no pirates. Maybe the pirates are scared to come out into the winter cold? I don't know! :D
Currently Wearing:
- Body:
Toddleedoo Baby Girl
- Hands:
Toddleedoo Hand Poses
- Shape: Self Made - Not for Sale
- Ears: UNISEX [
- Hair:
MAGIKA Hair - Shimmer
- Shirt and Binky:
- .
Wishes. Narwhal Shirts - Dotty
- This shirt comes with a matching paci! It is available in 4 different variations including a matching binky with each or you can go ahead and buy the fatpack with all the binkys and shirts! This shirt and paci set is available starting on November 1st until November 25th, 2016! at
ATP Events!
- {
Little Miss} Rolled-up Jeans - Washed Denim
- Sneakers:
FLite. - Long Beach Low Tops - Black Canvas
- *
PosESioN* Divine Walk Default 14