Today I decided to take a little country drive out in the wilderness and then hang out! :D
Currently Wearing:
- Body:
Toddleedoo Baby Girl
- Hands:
Toddleedoo Hand Poses
- Shape: Self Made - Not for Sale
- Ears: UNISEX [
- Hair:
Truth Hair - Louisa
- Outfit:
The Spunky Monkey: Nelly Dresses
- These outfits are all a gatcha! Each pull comes with the FULL outfit and there is 6 different variations! Each pull is 50L and will be available at
ATP Events from November 1st until November 25th, 2016!
p.o.s.e. truck
- This pose is available at
Kids Limited from October 30th until November 6th, 2016! It has room for 2 avatars and has 10 different poses!