Wednesday, June 8, 2016

LilAngelicDeviants: Tea Time.

Tea Time.
Jun 8th 2016, 23:02

Nothing could be better
then a tea party with your friends
we tried to eat da pretty cake mommy left for us
over a week ago but its been out for quite a while
and tasted like bird poo and mold mixed with pollen
and sugar and im pretty sure my brothers pet spider
crawled all over it so instead we just had tea .
but it was nice sunny day on the balcony
and of course you gotta be fashionable
at any party but i wanted to be comfortable too
so today i chose this Outfit from Unicorn Cupcake
Called Tea Time Jumper . it is the Rare in a new Gacha
at this months round of atp so go grab it up .

What I'm Wearing . 

Hair - { Blues , Emille Blondes }Blues

Skin - { More More , Lily Tone 2 }More More

Eye's - { Buzzeri , Lillian , Angel }Buzzeri

Nails - { Buglets, Candy Speckled Nail Hud }Buglets

Outfit- { Unicorn Cupcake , Tea Time Rare @ ATP Now }Unicorn Cupcake


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