Saturday, May 16, 2015

Rory in Wonderland: Playhouse Fun

Rory in Wonderland
A Second Life Kid's Blog
Playhouse Fun
May 16th 2015, 20:02

Ohmahgah. Dere is soooo much cute stuffs at  Le Petite Faire! I'm on cuteness oberload right now. Oh, ana I got a new mesh head and imma super essited about it. I fink I look pretty darn cute xD

Imma sleep out on mah new unicorn couch in mah new playhouse for awhile since mah brudder decided to fill mah room full of skeery clowns. I mean, I may or may not haff TP'd hims house... but but... clowns?! *shudders* I eben haff lemonade to keep me from getting tirsty so I dun hafta go in da house.

My Outfit

Skin: {LPP} - Koko *Peach*
Body: **Cute Bytes** - Toddleedoo - Baby Girl
Head: **Cute Bytes** - Baby Mesh Head - KiKiKi
Eyes: L'Anguisette - Nightscape Eyes - Hazel
Teeth: ::FY:: - Baby Teeth
Hair: TRUTH HAIR - Vida
Dress: [Cakepop](MP) - Backyard Dress - Blue Floral (@ Le Petite Faire*NEW*
Shoes: {T.T} - Fleur Flats (@ Le Petite Faire*NEW*
Pose: .:Finch:. - Happiness

NACH - Mesh Playhouse (@ Le Petite Faire*NEW*
 MudHoney - Victoria Table - Black
:BAMSE: - Unicorn Couch - Teal (@ Le Petite Faire*NEW*
:BAMSE: - Rainbow Lamp (@ Le Petite Faire*NEW*
Loco.Motion - Springtime Lemonade Urns (@ Le Petite Faire*NEW*
Loco.Motion - Chalkboard Sign (@ Le Petite Faire*NEW*

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