Monday, May 11, 2015

A Link Between Closets: Unbreakable

A Link Between Closets
May 11th 2015, 15:07

♥Click To Enlarge♥
Hey you guys Happy (late) Mothers Day to you all. Today isw a short post but I have two amazing semi pastel outfits. They both come in xxs-L (which is pretty awesome) and are from +Black Moon+. The Lolita wedges are also another pair of shoes I caught at Barely Legals 10L sale. I like they because you can actually choose if you wand the studs or spikes (there is also a pink version) and no slink feet needed for them. The leggings come with appliers so it you are a total mesh head don't and they also work with standard LL bodies so yayyyy lols . I hope you guys love the look ♥Leah

1st Look:
Exile::Librarian Chic Wildcards [x]

Barely Legal - Mesh Lolita Wedge Heels [x]

+ black moon +  Candy Coven Kozmik Familiar [x]

+ black moon +  Silhouette Tights - Unicorn [x]

2nd Look:
+Spellbound+ Journey // Unnatural Ombres & Dips [x]

*katat0nik* (tux1) Toy Boots - rigged mesh [x]

+ black moon +  Cross Dress - Candy [x]

+ black moon +  Silhouette Tights - Black Moon [x]

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