Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Kaci's Keepsakes: ♥ Untitled ♥

Kaci's Keepsakes
♥ Second Life Blog ♥
♥ Untitled ♥
Apr 15th 2015, 05:04

Please skip the first few paragraphs if you just want outfit info!

My SL mummy hit the nail on the head earlier tonight, I say tonight 'loosely' as it's now 5:21am as I type this.. anyway, she said that when I'm on my own I hit self destruct. I do. I really do. I'm not scared to admit that I'm a little messed up.. but most of us that are on Second Life are, aren't we? There's usually a reason that draws us in.. otherwise we'd be living our real lives and not sat in front of a computer. I know, for me personally, if I wasn't as screwed up as I am I would be doing so much more with myself than sitting here. That's not a stab at anyone that does who isn't screwed up in some way.. it's just the way it would be for me. 
I digress.
So, yeah, I hit self destruct when I am on my own. I struggle a lot more when I'm on my own. For some reason, not only do I struggle - but I make it my mission statement to destruct in every way possible. I won't go into detail, because it's depressing.. but.. I did destruct big time tonight. I guess that's why I'm still awake.. reflecting on everything. Right now my real life fiancee is away and when he's away I hit rock bottom. When he is here he keeps me relatively okay and won't let me fall too hard. We fight though.. sometimes about my issues, sometimes just because couples fight about dumb things. We once had an argument about who didn't close the bin lid in the kitchen.. I wish I was joking. So, as you can see, we may not always see eye to eye on everything; but he is my rock.. one for whom I cling to when things get stormy. When he's not here, my cat isn't much of a substitute. I love my cat, don't get me wrong.. but he's not the best conversationalist. I think we all need someone from time to time.. and when you're on your own it sucks. If anyone reads this and goes through a tough time and needs someone to reach out to.. reach out to me. I'd rather anyone reach out than feel as alone as I did earlier. It did make me think about how many of us are going through our own personal struggles.. how many of us are fighting off our own demons daily and why we do the dumb stuff we do when things get bad in our minds. Yeah, deep, huh? Anyway.. we shall now resume our normal blog stuff.. 

Onto the outfit stuff you all came here for! My outfit today is from LVS KIDS and it's a gorgeous formal gown called "Formals Family Night" There are two different versions you can buy.. the one I'm wearing, or version 2 which is only sparkly looking on the top half. I love a bit of bling though.. uh.. not the scary SL bling, the flashing LOOK AT ME I'M A NOOB bling. No, no, no.. I mean that I like a bit of sparkle, glitter.. whatever else you want to call it. It's a floor length gown (so you could get away with no shoes if you wanted) that fits both baby and kid ToddleeDoo avatars.

I'm wearing some awesome earrings from Adore, which are available at this current round of Woodlands. They are called "Children's Starter Earrings" I love them! They come with a HUD to choose different colours, silver or gold metal, resize and more (see below) They are perfect little studs to add a subtle bit of sparkle to your outfit and jazz up your ears in the process. I can see me wearing these a lot! Grab them now because they're currently set at a promo price of 75 lindens.. after this round they'll go up in price... so hurry, hurry, hurry.

As usual full credits after the pictures. Please click the images for a larger view. Title drawn from song at the end, which is my to go to emo song which fits perfectly with tonight. Happy shopping everyone! ♥

Shoes: Bow Flat - Black from Minuet
Hair: Hollis1&2_Lightblonde pack from +elua+
Hair Bow: Moody Bunny Bow from *BABY* (Hello Beautiful - April 2015)
Earrings: Children's Starter Earrings from {Adore} (Woodlands - April 2015)
Necklace: Tagged Necklace (Faith) from Cute Poison
Bracelet: Conversation Trinket -Silver- XOXO from [tea.s]
Ring: Kitty Ring Onyx from [tea.s]
Skin: No longer available - was from Bad Seed Boutique
Eyelashes: Eyelashes V2 from Little Pixels
Nails: Glitterific Nails from Dilly-Dally's [previously known as Tiddleywinks]
Pose: Dressy - Dressy 1 & Dressy 2 from .click.

Special thanks to: LVS Kids and Adore

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