Lots to see in these two pictures!
First up we have an awesomely cute shirt from Soken Kids, a little monkey doing ballet in pink. Who doesn't love a monkey doing ballet?! Well.. maybe boys I suppose.. but even they can't deny that a monkey dancing is pretty epic. The cargo shorts are also from Soken Kids and have little cupcakes on the front and pink pockets.. so sweet! That's also what they're called.. lol
I'm blowing big bubbles with bubblegum from the awesome Plethora, which can be found at this years Candy Fair. Each one only costs 50 lindens and the gum inflates and pops every ten seconds, which is pretty neat. There's a lot of different colours too (but naturally I opted for pink) besides pink though there is also blue, green, orange, purple, red and yellow. It's so cute, I love it.
Also seen in picture two is the Sweet Ideas bubble, from Plethora, also available at this years Candy Fair. You just type in the name of the sweet treat you got and it pops up in a bubble above your head and it's animated too! All you have to do is add it and then you can chat away as you usually would and the Sweet Ideas bubble will listen to owners public chat and when it picks up one of several special keywords, it'll become visible and animate! A sound bite will also play and the thought bubble disappears again after a few seconds. They are L$50 each.. I loved the candy cane one.. but others available are: Bacon, Chocolate, Lollipops A, Lollipops B, Mango Creme Popsicle, Melon Popsicle and Soda. I edited it down for the purpose of the picture but the thought bubble should come out of your head when you wear it.
Another awesome thing from Plethora available in a gatcha at the Candy Fair (which can't be seen in my picture because of the way it works) is the candy stun halo. You add it or wear it and then if another avatar collides with you then your sweet treats will appear above your head in a circle/halo fashion. The halo disappears after 5 seconds. It's L$50 per play. There are 3 rares and 10 commons (13 variants total) The different ones you can get are bacon, candy corn, cola, cookies & cream choc, green candy cane, melon popsicle, milk chocolate, pink lollipop, raspberry lemonade, red candy cane, yellow lollipop, green lollipop and jelly beans (which is the one I'm wearing.. although you can't see it!)
I could talk about the rest of the items featured, but, credits shall suffice for the rest!
Shirt: TD BABY Ballerina Short Sleeve Shirt MESH from Soken Kids
Shorts: TD BABY SoSweet Cargo Mini Shorts Mesh from Soken Kids
Shoes: Melissinha -White- from Viv.a! Kids
Hair: Lottie - Blondes from Truth
Crown Headband: Queen Me - silver/pink crown from Tiny Trinkets
Ring: Chewnicorn Ring - Pink from [tea.s]
Bracelet: Forest's Tale -Petals and Pearls Bracelet - Pink from Half Deer (The Arcade September 2014)
Bubblegum: Bubble Gum - Pink from Plethora (Candy Fair)
Sweet Idea: Sweet Idea - Candy Canes from Plethora (Candy Fair)
Skin: Baby Mikki from Bad Seed Boutique
Teeth: OpenMouthPRO Basic and BabyTeeth Add on from PXL
Eyelashes: Eyelashes V2 from Little Pixels
Nails: Sweet Treats ToddleeDoo from Awwdorable
Pose: Gentle - Gentle 5 from .click.
In the background: Entire set of Little Sweet Treats from PiPo