Monday, August 26, 2013

Soken Kids Mesh: Toddleedoo Full Perm Mesh!

Soken Kids Mesh
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Toddleedoo Full Perm Mesh!
Aug 27th 2013, 03:41, by Kezia

I'm late, I know! I promised I would get them out last week and I know many of you have been waiting for them. I'm working on even more full perms for Toddleedoo, so hang on tight! Each full perm product comes with TD kid & TD baby versions together. As usual- PSD template with fabric, shadows, and wrinkles are included. A one prim- 3D display of the mesh with hanger would be included as well, to put out in your store. If you have these meshes in Regular Kid versions, you can use the same textures for these too! One UV Map fits all three versions! Regular Kids = TD Kids = TD Baby

I noticed that many full perm TD meshes are paper thin with backface culling. Meaning, they look like you are wearing clothing as thick as toilet paper and if you look at the insides, they are completely transparent. If you are not fond of those, then these meshes are for you! They are thicker at the rims and without transparent insides! So here they are- available on marketplace and inworld at KidsLabz TD Toys sim.

I hope you all enjoy and happy designing!!!

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