The Live.Laugh.Love Fair officially opened today! I missed the blogger preview, but I won an early entrance to go shopping lag free two hours earlier! Boy was that a treat!!! This is the second year for the L.L.L Fair, and it was an amazing Fair to get to see. The set up was adorable and the items were amazing. This year they are donating money to Autism Speaks. So please make sure you make it to the fair and buy up all the donation items!
Live.Laugh.Love SLURL
It’s getting late for me, and I’ve been working on getting my new windlight settings to work for the past hour and a half, lol. So I’m only showing off one of the items I go there today! Unfortunately I don’t remember which ones where donations items (this one is!!!!). I’m also trying something new this post. I’m tired of taking pictures into photoshop, removing background, adding shadow etc. So I got a new windlight setting to hopefully eliminate all photoshop work from blogging. I’d love opinions on what you think!

Clothing and Accessories:
Outfit: ~* Larnia Kids *~ ruffles romer (bright pink) tot
Glasses: {Lemon Tea} Doofusian Glasses (mesh)
Body parts:
Hair: [RA] Khloe Hair – Brown Obsession
Skin: [PF] Elly – Pure/nolash (dkbrow/freck)
Face Tattoo #1: freckles, dimples and pink cheeks are of my own creation, not available to buy.
Face Tattoo #2: ::dUTCH tOUCH:: AddOns – Moles and Xtra Freckles
Hair Tattoo: Truth Hairbase – sandlewood
Eyes: Poetic Colors – classic – forest morning (s) bright
Lashes: [LeLutka]-2011 lashes/natural
Tiny Tot Hud by SweetBaby (MP Link)
Happy Shopping Kiddos!