Happy SundayLil Fashionistas!

Today I coudln’t resist showing off my adorable new tea party furniture set from Tiny Spaces! This is one of the most adorable little table sets I’ve seen in SL and the chairs add the perfect color to the already awesome daisy shaped table! What lil fashionista coudld resist??? Not this one!

Since my sister has had a busy weekend in RL so i had to use Fuzzy Bear as a sit in for her. He’s almost as cute as sissy but talks a lot less, so I got so much more accomplished

In another shot you’ll see he’s kinda short though so i had to grab one of my KittyCats boxes to set him on. This shot also gives a great view of the tea set that came with the furniture. I just love how the steam is rising from the pitcher and mugs too, it adds that perfect touch of realism and gives us lil ones a reminder that it’s hot!

If you think the furniture is great just take a look at this adorable Hello Kitty Watch from Cute Bytes! I do believe I’ve found the watch that will most likely never leave this wrist. If Hello Kitty is not your thing go check them out anyway because there were so many different styles to pick from that I’m sure you’ll find just the perfect one for you too.

Now for the fashion!!! When I saw the most amazing coloring on this outfit from Baby Princess my blogger brain just kicked in to full gear and well you know what happens, you just gotta have it right? Well if you are unsure let me tell you the answer is YES LOL. Besides all the cuteness from the amazing bows and straps on the shoes and top just ahve a look at the bloomers! I think the white addes the perfect contrast and they are just the right puffiness not to be overdone.

Oh and wait for it, yep the shoes and anklet come with the outfit too. They just bring it all togather with the same bows that are in the top and my hair, not to mention the gold color of the anklet chain ties in my next accessory!

When I saw this purse from Ricielli’s had a gold chain and it came in white too, I knew without a doubt this was the final piece that would make this outfit rock. You can also carry the purse like a clutch or a handbag with the other two option. Oh and take another look at this photo you’ll see Fuzzy Bear again and now you know why I had to use a box. Otherwise we’d only see his ears peeking above the daisy talbetop.
Thats all for today, I hope you had a great weekend and a super start to wyour week!
Model: Stasha Benelli
skin :GP: Sundust [Light] Sprout-Peapod 2 by Gala Phoenix
hair: fri. – Marie – Moody Brown by Parvarti Monday
Outfit: :*BABY*: Mina by cupcake (even.genesis)
Lashes: *FTL* Eyelashes – C01 Natural by Framboise Werribee
Eyes: *YS&YS* – EyeReal Frozen – No Shadow by Monicuzza Babenco
Bag: R.icielli – 2.55 Classic bag /white by Fhara Ricielli Marchiori (fhara.acacia)
Poses: Olive Juice- Hipster Girl by Bella (isabellagrace.baroque)
Table, Chair and Tea Set: .:TS:. Tea party Chair Pink by ßяiє кoναςs (brie.pinazzo)
Teddy Bear: Fuzzy Teddy Bear by Laura Liberty
Photographer: Stasha Benelli
~hugs Stasha~