Sleepy Fawn. cozy cub comforter ~ BB Fitted RARE - Kricket Calamity {Color Me Cute}
Sleepy Fawn. cozy cub ears & paci ~ BB Fitted RARE - Kricket Calamity {Color Me Cute}
Sleepy Fawn. cozy cub jacket ~ BB Fitted RARE - Kricket Calamity {Color Me Cute}
Sleepy Fawn. cozy cub rompers ~ BB Fitted - Kricket Calamity {Color Me Cute}
Sleepy Fawn. cozy cub shoes v2 & socks ~ BB Fitted RARE - Kricket Calamity {Color Me Cute}
Cozy cub gacha fits four bodies: Toddleedoo fitted, Bebe fitted, Chonk & Youth. Has 18 commons and 4 rares. The rares come with fatpacks.
pr!tty - [Pin Collection] - :Boolushy: - Limited Edition! - Karla Marama {Happy Weekend, Mainstore}
LIMITED EDITION! Only for this weekend (10/17-10/18) only.
pr!tty - Pumpkin Friends - Karla Marama {Saturday Sale}
VCO HAIR - Song 001 { Wine } - yamette {Kustom 9}
[ Focus Poses ] Fall Farm Fresh Backdrop - MatheusThato {Marketplace}
+Half-Deer+ Fawn - Prance (Natural) - Halogen Magic {Mainstore}
tarte. falling leaves - swirl (fresh) - Alessandra Dallas {Mainstore}
tarte. falling leaves - ground (fresh) - Alessandra Dallas {Mainstore}