Wednesday, October 14, 2020

All Things Cute!: Little Devil Child

All Things Cute!
Little Devil Child
Oct 15th 2020, 01:09, by (Teagan Parker)

 [M] - Phoebe - Claret - Adriana Ravenhurst, Eeilee and Diane Kimagawa {Color Me Cute}
14 colors. Fits Bebe Toddler and Bebe Youth

tram J1007 hair / FATPACK - moca Loup {Kustom 9} 

The Secret Store - Polka Tights - Black & White - Maylee Oh {Mainstore}

Enchantique. Harper Boots [cult] - OfficialEnchantique {Mainstore}

REIGN.- Tattoo Choker Necklace- Witches Edition - KenadeeCole {Mainstore}

Izzie's - Demon Eyes - Izzie Button {Mainstore}

*CB* DoubliCorn - ToddleeDooStore {Mainstore}


{ CryBaby } Ankle Biters - CryBabySLStore  {Epiphany}
 { CryBaby } Ankle Biters - Pumpkitten [Albino]
{ CryBaby } Ankle Biters - Zompaca [Red]
{ CryBaby } Ankle Biters - Fat Bat [Albino]
{ CryBaby } Ankle Biters - Fat Bat [Black]
There are 2 rares, 29 commons, 1 VIP (pull reward) and 1 epiphany exclusive prize.
Alpacas are holdables. Bats are holdables. Pumpkittens are decors, the VIP Angy Ghost includes an animated companion and a decor. The rares are a Bear Kigurumi and a Bat Kigurumi fitted for Maitreya Lara, Legacy Classic, Belleza Freya and ToddleeDoo.

[ Pity Party + Miele ] Dreary Bear - Grace Ravenshurst and Daenerys Ravenhurst
{The Dark Style Fair}
[ Pity Party + Miele ] Dreary Bear Original {Black}
[ Pity Party + Miele ] Dreary Bear Devil {Red}
30 Commons and 2 RARES.

Rare one ] : Zombie Girl { 4 tones and 4 bow options }
Rare two ] : Zombie Boy {4 tones}

DISORDERLY. / Luminos / Black and Red - Rogue Falconer - {Satan Inc} 

[DDD] Creeping Fog - Anke Pancake {Mainstore}

MICHAN - Your Heart - Michan Heartsong {Mainstore}

[ Focus Poses ] Cemetery Graves Backdrop - Carol Kling {Mainstore}

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