Mia Bebe - Cara Dress - Bilberry - Adriana Ravenhurst {Color Me Cute}
Fits Bebe Fitted and Youth bodies.
Sleepy Fawn. first fall dress - Kricket Calamity {Color Me Cute}
There are 15 commons and 3 rares!
There is a HUD included in each common where you can switch between the two different colours included.
For the bonnet there is a fatpack HUD with 10 colours and also 6 colours for the hair (or it can be hidden, click the bonnet to resize).
The paci and strap has 2 HUDS, one where you can customize your initial onto the clip and another one where you have 5 colours options for the strap and paci. (also click to resize).
The 3rd rare is the dress with a teddy bear in the pocket and a fatpack HUD of 10 colours for the dress.
! Whippersnappers ! - Little apples of my eye - ParkerRaine {Marketplace}
~Lazo - OA Cady Leggings - Applier - Larina Enzo {Mainstore}
VCO HAIR - Dambi . RARE - yamette {Mainstore}
{ .bebe lou. } Pearly Headband - Gift - Grace Aurelia {Mainstore}
more more. lala skin (TD alice) - ducky030 {Mainstore}
Muriel. Luna Eyes - Chocolate - ElisaMuriel {Mainstore}
Bad Seed Bebe Body V 2.3.1 - Eeilee {Mainstore}
*TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE - ToddleeDooStore {Mainstore}