Kit and I made it to class for scary spooky stories,we just have to wait for the others to arrive
What they do~Tops change colour(Dark and pale woods,Chalkboard-white,green,black)
What they do~Chairs~5 Animations
Cushion~5 Animations(different from the chairs)
My outfit~BDL - Willow Stars Fits~Toddleedoo,Bebe Toddler,Bebe Youth,Bebe Youth Chonk
Our book~{PT} - Book of Shadows Comes with~Wearable book for Toddler and Youth(resizes) Rezzable book(resizes)
Kits info~
Head~*TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - OPAL
Fits~Toddleedoo,Bebe Toddler,Bebe Youth
Fits~Toddleedoo,Bebe Toddler,Bebe Youth