Little BallerinaSep 2nd 2020, 19:28, by (Benji) Ballet is the best thing to do on a rainy day
My outfit~FanZy - Linen & Lace Blush Fits~Toddleedoo fitted,Bebe Toddler fitted,Bebe Youth Comes with~Ballet outfit,Optional back bow,BOM Alpha
My leg warmers~FanZy - Linen & Lace Legwarmers Blush Fit~Bebe Toddler fitted,Toddleedoo baby,Toddleedoo kid
My shoes~Mia -Rhia MaryJanes - Peony Fits~Bebe Toddler fitted,Unrigged My headband~mun.bani Vintage floral Headband
Pose made myself for the purpose of this blog,it's not for sale