-Featured Items -
{Little Miss} Korean Plats - Black - Diane Kimagawa {Mainstore} Comes in 6 colors:Beige, Black, Green, Navy, Pink and Sky. Shoes are unrigged.
{Little Miss} Turtleneck Sweater - Black - Diane Kimagawa {Mainstore} The Turtleneck Sweater come in 12 different colors: Black, Gray, Green, Lemon, Maroon, Moss, Mustard, Navy, Pink, Royal Sky and White. Fits Toddleedoo Baby, Kid and Bebe Body
{Little Miss} Culotte Pants - Mint - Diane Kimagawa {Mainstore} Culotte Pants come in 12 different colors: Black, Blue, Brown Fuschia, Khaki, Maroon, Mint, Moss, Navy, Pink, Sky and White. Fits Toddleedoo Baby and Kid.
- Additional Items -
1.Quirky. - Cutie Muff RARE - Glitch Grantham {Epiphany} *This item was tinted as well*
{ Bellybean } Cutie Bento Poses - Bellamarie Braveheart {Mainstore} { Clair de Lune } Ophelia Skin - Yume Carami {Mainstore} {Ribbons} Astrid Shape - Alkatraz Constantine {Mainstore} ~ToddleeDoo - Baby (v.3.9) - ToddleeDooStore {Mainstore} *TD* Bento Mesh Head #Alice - Head (v.0.9.7) - ToddleeDooStore {Mainstore}