- Featured Items -
GiGi Outfit comes in 8 different colors. Fits Toddleedoo Baby only. This outfit goes with the Hannah Flats perfectly. Hannah Flats and Gigi Gloves sold separately.
The Harley loafes come with a bow and no bow option. Every part of the loafers are customizable. Bow comes in 10 colors, Base comes in 4 colors as well as the sole.
Nicole comes in 6 pretty colors. This top fits perfectly with the Sammy Jeans and Harley Loafers. The Sammy jeans comes in 4 denim colors.
Comes in Black, Blue, Brown, Cream, Pink and Tan. Resizeable to fit multiple feet sizes.
The Ruffled sweater comes in Beige, Black, Coral, Green, Gray, Maroon, Mint, Mustard, Pink, Royal, Sky and White. There is a Neck Add-On that is optional and unrigged. Sweater fit Toddleedoo Baby and Kid.
- Additional Items -
Beusy x Astralia: EstelleHair & Beanie - RARE - Colorless {Mainstore} Astralia - Huyu Beanie and Hair - Astralia {Kustom 9}
[F] 1922 Washed Denim Jeans - [Normal] -iaMikko {No Longer for Sale}