♥ --I'm wearing -- ♥ Bow ankle bracelet {T.T} Bow ankle bracelet BLUE (Group Gift) Tippytoes Ballerina flats Beau Bebe Tippytoes Ballerina Flats - Blue
♥-- Furniture and deco -- ♥ Chalk frames 5 - Beau Bebe - Family Chalk Frames - Brave 11 - Beau Bebe - Family Chalk Frames - Friends RARE 2 - Beau Bebe - Family Chalk Frames - Born a Unicorn RARE Poenies Ariskea[Little Pensee] Poenies Gift Box 1[Decor] (group gift) fee to join Gift PILOT - Gift Mouse [Plaid]
Special thanks Kisstal Resident from Beau Bebe Roula Laville from {T.T}