Last night I put on my newest pjs from Wishes and sat down to watch a movie. These PJs are apart of the newest round of Shop Hop and comes in 6 different colors. The sizes included are TD Baby and Bad Seed Bebe sizes (the Bebe body is released on June 4th). TD Kids is NOT available at this time. If you purchase the fatpack, you get a texture change HUD that allows you to control the pants color.
These are super comfy, so make sure you go and pick these up!
⇒Featured Item⇐
.Wishes. ~ Summer Pj's ~ Fatpack - ZoeyWinter1212 {Shop Hop}
⇒Additional Items⇐
Paper Damsels - Ella Bento Rings - Adelyner {Mainstore} Paper Damsels - Heart Choker - silver - Adelyner {Mainstore}e.marie // Heart Toggle Bracelet - Rose Gold - EmilianaMarie {N21}*ARGRACE* AZAMI - Vanilla - Rika Oyen
.tsg. KoKo-BaseSkin :: A tone - Eilfie Sugarplum {Mainstore}
~ToddleeDoo - Baby (v.3.3) - ToddleeDooStore {Mainstore} ~ToddleeDoo - Baby - TippyToes - (V.3.5) - ToddleeDooStore {Mainstore} {.: DollFace :.} - Madeline Bento Shape - Dollface Sugarplum {Marketplace} *shape has been modified to my liking**TD* Bento Mesh Head #Alice - Head (v.0.2.7) - ToddleeDooStore {Mainstore}
[PF x TSG] <X Tone> - V-TECH Boi Applier - Mochi Milena {Mainstore}