Hi there! My name is Jany Bluebird and I blog for the Toddleedoo children in Second Life! This blog contains PG only posts! Click on the categories to look up posts from a certain store. Click on my logo to go back to the home page. I hope you will enjoy ❤
♪ Bicycle bicycle bicycle I want to ride my bicycle, bicycle (c'mon), bicycle I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride it where I like ♪
Omg this bike tho! The perfect way for advertising anything in a super pretty way! It comes with an AO Map, so you can put your own text/creation on the advert sign.
This is the Vintage Advert Bike - Floral Rare, made by Bad Seed and is available right now at Shiny Shabby