Things you learn at the playground!
The skills to run the playground are just the start to becoming a woman who could rule the world.
Izzy can be feisty! She has no problem putting you in your place. She stands up to bullies and always protects her friends.
She is learning courage.
Izzy is fierce and flawless especially in this pink number! Look at that attitude!
She is learning self confidence.
And stay fierce! Don't let anyone steal your ambition. Don't pass up your turn on the slide, and be the first in line again!
She is learning persistence.
Stay Fabulous! Walk onto every playground and wave at everyone you see. Let your smile light up the room. Everyone deserves a smile.
She is learning respect.
Izzy is famous. She talks to every kid she see's and brings extra treats in her backpack just incase someone is in need. She is the first to help you up when you fall.
She is learning compassion.
And a life lesson to learn early, all things are possible if your wearing a good pair of shoes!
Izzy is wearing:
Head: *TD* Bento Mesh Head #Alice
Shape: Jessica TD Baby Shape [Bento head]2
Hair: [monso] MY HAIR - JIHYO/red
.:LBM:. Nose Bandage
Kibitz - Star necklace - gold
All outfits
**DoRks**Featuring **DoRks** Fly girl Tees. These come in 5 styles (Famous, Stay Fierce, Fabulous!, Fierce & Flawless, I can be Quite Fiesty) each one comes with a pants hud with 7 pants options and fly girl sneakers (shown in top 5 pictures) and come in TD Baby and Kid sizes. Found at
ATP Event from Feb 01-25th
Bottom pictures: Love You Boots Group Gift Released 2/8/2017 found at
**DoRks**main store