I was wondering around today.
I came to an old house and found a wizard.
Well..a frog jumped on my head.
Maybe it mine Prince?
Bleh...never found out, I just could not kiss it.
Just look how cute my outfit is from
{T.T.}Winter Jacket coat pink.
Light Fur pack & Dark Fur pack Baby & Kid size.
{T.T.}Puffy Boot Slipper Baby & Kid size
6 color hud
{T.T}Friends love Bracelet - Rare
{T.T}Friendship always ring
{T.T}Friendship Girls Power bracelet
{T.T}Friendship to infinity white pearl necklace
{T.T}Friendship Treasure ring
{T.T}Friendship Treasure Gacha 10 Commons 1 Rare
{T.T}Fancy Kitty earrings
5 color hud
Turducken ToddleeDoo - Plain Leggings - Neutral White