Born to Shop Jan 17th 2017, 06:45, by (AshChels Porthos) When your born to shop you just gotta shop. we cant help it! This super cute Cardi is from Little Miss available at the mainstore.. 12 colours available, Includes Hud-Add on to show or hide buttons on coat, also includes vest and no vest version! Huds also sold separately.. Plain Tee Hud with 10 colour options, Assorted Tee Hud with 5 assorted designs, and Vest Hud with 6 colour options! Shoes are also from Little Miss but you can get those at Ninety-Nine, 12 colours available! Super cute leggings are from Buglets at Color Me Cute.. 6 colour packs to choose from.. each pack includes hearts and plain leggings!
Shape: Custom Head: *TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE Hair: pr!tty - Juno - {Basics} -Rootless-