It's super cold outside and snow is falling
im spending a lazy day in my cozy new bed
from Meshy Me new at atp .
there are two versions classic and pink
you can use with winter / xmas decor
or plain there are 9 adorable poses
for you to choose from and play around with
each pose is adjustable to fit your individual needs
also guess what else? there are two sides that means two beds
for you and friend or family member that wants to lay around
with you and be just as cozy . this bed is lots of fun
and super adorable for all year round not just xmas time
so make sure you get to atp and grab up both versions
you do not want to miss out on this .
What I'm Wearing Stuff & Things .
Hair - { Truth - Fynn Variety pack } Truth Skin - { Vco sana Medium Tone }Vco Eyes - { Ugly Duckling, Dreamer Blues }Vco Slippers - { Buttons & Bows Anastasia }BB Bed - { Meshy Me , bed w/ deco @ atp } Meshy Me