I took the puppies out for a walk today & wandered around this abandoned city. It was pretty smelly though, i kept having to cover my nose *giggles* But didn't i look absolutely adorable in my jacket by Little Miss? :D Perfect for going out in these chilly autumn days.
Jacketღ {Little Miss} Bomber Jacket - Mint & Inner Shirt HUD * Black Stripe 2 * - Diane Kimagawa
This bomber jacket is a new release by Little Miss at their mainstore! It comes in a large variety of colors & is super customizable. You can get this jacket in Pink, Mint, Yellow, Purple, Military Green, Maroon, Navy & Black.
Each jacket includes a texture change HUD which allows you to change the textures of the sleeves & the trimming of the jacket. Each one comes with 3 styles for the sleeves & three for the trimmings.
In addition to all this Little Miss also has an add on HUD which allows you to change the inner shirt. By default the shirt is colored white. The add on HUD gives you a total of 18 different styles you can wear! There are three categories - Plain, Thin Stripes & Thick Stripes. They are all colored to match the jacket colors so you can mix and match!
Be sure to check out the Little Miss Mainstore & pick up this jacket & many more adorable items! {Mainstore}
Credits format will always be: Item name | Creator(s) | Mainstore/Marketplace Event description + SLURL to event!
Body ღ ToddleeDoo - BabyGirl (v.2.9.bb) - Bit McMillan {Mainstore} {Marketplace}
Head ღ Bebe Moppet Head - Silly - Eeilee Resident {Mainstore}
Skinღ {Bad Seed} Alicia Skin - Sugar - Eeilee Resident {Mainstore} This skin was an exclusive item to October's Bebe Bundle & can no longer be bought!
Leggingsღ .gypsy heart. Black Pants Applier - shortstuffmcgee Resident {Mainstore}{Marketplace} This applier is a part of the free crayon costume pack currently out @ Trunk or Treat! This event runs from the 24th of October to November 6th. {Trunk Or Treat}
Boots ღ .gypsy heart. Grace Fringe Boots - Coal - shortstuffmcgee Resident {Mainstore}{Marketplace} These boots were part of the October Bebe Bundle & can no longer be obtained!