Another dark but fun costume idea for you today by Gypsy Heart for the Trunk or Treat event Oct.24th! The Annie Dollie Costume comes in four different looks. Including a demented one! Included in each style is the Dress, Stockings, Apron, Bonnet, & make-up appliers for standard tattoo layers, BeBe mesh heads, & Cute Bytes mesh heads. This comes in baby size only so be aware of that.
If you aren’t a fan of the bloody / dark side of costumes not to fear! The other styles are the old rag doll you’ve loved forever with the same cute outfit and make-up minus the gore. So this look is for us all!
The hair I have on is a collaborative item by Gypsy Heart & [Mello] also at the event. The Annie Dollie Hair comes is unrigged & resize scripted so this means it is easily adjusted for perfect fit! You get a clean & bloody bonnet version or just the hair alone. Be sure to check these both out to transform into that lovable doll everyone knows for Halloween.
Next is the free gift you will find at the event by Gypsy Heart. The Crayon Costume comes in many different colors and includes Hat, Top, & Leggings. How sweet is the unique look! Be sure to snatch it up at the event on Oct. 24th!