I took a stroll though our home sim today just because it was so nice out! Of course in the middle of my walk my phone had to ring and interrupt my peaceful walk… *huffs* *giggles* At least i looked adorable as i stopped to take this call! I was all dressed up in my adorable shirt by Junk Food & shorts by Butterup. ♥
These adorable shorts are the latest release by Buttercup for the Trunk Or Treat event! I absolutely love the lace design on trim on the front. ♥ They come in three different styles to choose from - Ghosts, Candy Corn & Plaid. Don't forget to also pick up the free gift while you're at the event!
Shirtღ Junk Food - Pumpkin Tee (Black) - Late Billig & Radiomodee Resident
This shirt is also at the Trunk Or Treat event! It's the release by Junk Food. It comes in a bunch of different colors that you are sure to love. They are Pink, Black, Blue, Green, Purple & Yellow. Just like all the other designers at the event they also have a fantastic gift set out for free!
Trunk Or Treat opened on the 24th of October & will close on November 6th! ♥ This year is totally full of amazing designers & each one has a gift out for everyone! Be sure to check it. ♥ {Trunk Or Treat}
Credits format will always be: Item name | Creator(s) | Mainstore/Marketplace Event description + SLURL to event!
Skinღ {Bad Seed} Alicia Skin - Creme - Eeilee Resident {Mainstore} This skin was an exclusive item to October's Bebe Bundle & can no longer be bought!
Head ღ {Bad Seed} Bebe Moppet Mesh Head - Eeilee Resident {Mainstore} This head is currently available at the Ocober round of The Crossroads Event! It comes with a teeth version and standard. You can also play the gacha for expressions which match this head! This event runs from the 3rd of October until the 28th. {The Crossroads Event}
Hairღ Doe: Widow (Solid) - Blondes - Helyanwe Vindaloo {Mainstore} This hair is currently at the Salem event at the gacha gallows as part of the Doe gacha! This event opened on October 1st & will close on October 31st! {Salem Event}
Hair Pieceღ Doe: Widow Crown - Helyanwe Vindaloo {Mainstore} This item is currently at the Salem event at the gacha gallows as part of the Doe gacha! This event opened on October 1st & will close on October 31st! {Salem Event}
Shoesღ REIGN.- Ribbon Flats- Black - KenadeeCole Resident {Mainstore}
Phoneღ REIGN.- Coven Phone Collection- Normal People #20 - KenadeeCole Resident {Mainstore} This phone is part of the "Return of the coven" gacha currently out @ October's Epiphany round! This gacha has 24 commons & 2 rares. The Epiphany opened on October 15th & will close on November 15th!{The Epiphany}