Wednesday, June 8, 2016

LilAngelicDeviants: Little Cubby

Little Cubby
Jun 9th 2016, 06:00

So Guess What ?? I Got This Super Awesome
New Cubby Bed Coz My Other Bed Got Too Small
And My legs Didn't Fit it Anymore
And My Mommy Said It's Coz I Eated
All my Vegetables And I Grew & Got big Feets
But shh Don't Tell Her I Didn't Really Eat My Vegetables
I Fed Them All To My Puppy Rebel .
So It Was Really All The Donuts And Cookies, And Cake
And Strawberry Milks . Coz Milk Makes bones grow
and its in all da donuts an cake an cookies
Would U Like a Cubby Bed Like Mine?
You Can Gets One In Pink Or Blue
From Daintree Available @ this month's round of ATP
So Go Get Yours .

What I'm Wearing . 

Hair - { Blues , Emilee Blondes }Blues Hair

Skin - { More More - Lily Tones 2 }More More

Eyes - { Ugly Duckling, Dreamer ~ Foggy Blue }Ugly Duckling

Pj's   - { Lil Cathy's , Pj Day Pink w/bunny } Lil Cathy's

Bed -  { Daintree , Cubby Bed Pink @ ATP } Daintree @ Atp


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