Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Kymber's life in Pixels: Summertime Swing

Kymber's life in Pixels
RPing a 4 year old in Second life...these are my fashion adventures.
Summertime Swing
Jun 8th 2016, 13:14

My favorite thing to do on any playground is swing on the swings, I try to do all kinds of tricks, and I have mastered quite a few!

What I am wearing:

Hair:  Yumyum 65B

Necklace:  Nach at the Play Room Dream is a Wish Rose Gold

Outfit:  {Blush} at La Boutique  Jessa Jumpsuit  Comes in Blue, cream, mint, peach, pink and purple

I was able to swing standing up!  That's a first, and I didn't even get a splinter in my foot for being barefoot either!

❤♡❥ ,

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