Sunday, June 12, 2016

Kymber's life in Pixels: Summer Time Lemonade

Kymber's life in Pixels
RPing a 4 year old in Second life...these are my fashion adventures.
Summer Time Lemonade
Jun 12th 2016, 22:39

Rory and I decided to try to make some monies for all the events going on this month, so we put up a lemonade stand on our sim.  Little did we know we would end up drinking it all instead of selling it all.  Oh well!

What Rory is wearing:

Hair:  Truth Elyse

Dress:  MuddPuddles Mae Sundress Floral

What I am wearing:

Hair:  Lamb.  Nevermind

Head Wreath:  Zenith  Spring Rose Crown Milk

Romper:  MuddPuddles Sally Romper

Sandals:  Paper Damsels Valise Sandals 

Lemonade Stand:  MuddPuddles  Lemonade Stand you add to wear so you can be selling Lemonade WHEREVER you are!


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