Monday, June 6, 2016

Kymber's life in Pixels: Summer Charm

Kymber's life in Pixels
RPing a 4 year old in Second life...these are my fashion adventures.
Summer Charm
Jun 6th 2016, 15:21's the month of summer, sunshine, weddings, country walks, camping and just about anything you can possibly think of in the great outdoors!  It is also the beginning of a new round of events and designers bringing us some summer fun!

What I am wearing:

Shape:  {Honey} at Hello Beautiful Hazel

Hair:  Argrace  Koyomi

Earrings:  Tiny Trinkets at Hello Beautiful Spring Bear Earrings

Bracelet:  {Ugly Duckling} Bow Bangle [whitegold rose] gacha

Outfit:  {Blush} at Ninety Nine  Amelia Black

Shoes:  Paper Damsels at LaBoutique Gladiator Sandals Black

Doll:  .snaphappy.  at the Play Room Little Fairy Godmothers Miss Ariel RARE

Hello Beautiful and the Play Room are open now and the 5th of every month.  LaBoutique is opening on the 6th and Ninety Nine will be open on the 9th!  


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