Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Kymber's life in Pixels: Ninble at Ninety Nine

Kymber's life in Pixels
RPing a 4 year old in Second life...these are my fashion adventures.
Ninble at Ninety Nine
Jun 14th 2016, 17:31

I am sure by now you have at least heard of Ninety Nine and hopefully you have already been there and shopped to your hearts content.  If you have not, I am quite sure that this post will bring you there.  Nimble has created this gorgeous short outfit that I fell in love with.  Available in a variety of colors and patterns. You can purchase them individually, in packs, or even the entire fat pack with everything!

What I am wearing:

Hair:  Lamb.  Baby Blue

Head Wreath:  Zenith  Spring Rose Crown Milk

Outfit:  Nimble at Ninety Nine Gwynith  Patterns 

Shoes:  Plum Bali Sandals Strawberry

Pose:  {Honey} at Ninety Nine  Marley Pose 4

Nimble is my newest sponsor and I am so excited to show you all the amazing creations that are coming your way!


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