Thursday, June 16, 2016

Kymber's life in Pixels: Butterfly Wishes

Kymber's life in Pixels
RPing a 4 year old in Second life...these are my fashion adventures.
Butterfly Wishes
Jun 16th 2016, 15:59

Butterflies are one of the most amazing creatures. They go through so many different stages just to become the beautiful butterfly they were meant to be.  Life is like that as well.  I have seen so many quotes that reference the butterfly and I know for me, they have helped me to see life in a completely different way.  Especially during my cancer treatment I needed every bit of faith in order to make it through.  So like the butterfly, i found the strength and the hope to believe, that in time I would emerge from my cocoon...transformed.  Currently I am still in one of the stages that is not yet beautiful in my eyes, but I will transform.

What I am wearing:

Hair:  Yumyum  *65

Butterfly:  Tic Tot Toe at Color Me Cute  Butterfly Typer Midnight RARE

Outfit:  Blubb at Color Me Cute Zoey Teal
Comes with T-shirt, shorts, and sneaks.

Pose:  {Tiny Gems}at Color Me Cute  just a kid 5

Color Me Cute is open now and full of amazing designs you really need to get there now if you have not already!


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