Sweet Pepper |
ʚĭɞ Viv.a! I'm back!!! May 10th 2016, 13:23 Hello, lil peppers! \o ʚĭɞ Yes!!! After a long period of hibernation, I'm back. \o/ Happy to share with you the news from Viv.a!Kids, this amazing store that increasingly has stood out for the great quality of its products and affordable prices. Then come on play with me...that today I'm a doll!!! ^^ ~hahaha~ (Outfit includes dress, socks and shoes/ Colors options: Blue, Pink,Purple,Yellow and Khaki) ✎ Hair *barberyumyum* 66 (blond) ✎ Adorable Bow Apple May Designs (Gift) ʚĭɞ Sweet kisses and seen you soon! |