Saturday, May 14, 2016


Siera Viper (cece)
May 14th 2016, 13:30

bb collage

Wow!! Check out this Traveler Gacha by Baby Burp@Color Me Cute (15th May) I just know you will go crazy on this one so make sure you save your money because it has to much to offer. I promise you wont be disappointed.Heres what you are playing for~


  1. Lets start with the Rare which is the caravan.This  comes with 2 versions one transparent and one non transparent!The matress with cushion is built into this with lots and lots of poses&Props to suit TD single,TD, Bff’s,Teens and Mom&Baby.In total this animates up to 6 avatars.
  2. 2 chalkboards,one nyc and the other is❤ all
  3. 2 Globes, one natural and the other blush color
  4. alpaks  in brown and porcelaine
  5. Cloud mobile
  6. Eiffel Towers in gold and silver
  7. London  poster
  8. london telephone box
  9. Magazines
  10. Paris poster
  11. Paris suitcase Table
  12. Radiator
  13. Roses Ruffle Rug
  14. Polaroids and postcards
  15. USA Poster
  16. Window Shelf


Gacha Key-

BB Traveler Gacha KEY

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