Sunday, April 24, 2016

Kymber's life in Pixels: Beachin it

Kymber's life in Pixels
RPing a 4 year old in Second life...these are my fashion adventures.
Beachin it
Apr 25th 2016, 01:50

There is probably no where that I would rather be on a nice warm day that the ocean.  The cool breeze, the waves crashing in, the seagulls doing whatever they do, cept for poopin on stuff...I just love the coast. 

There is a new shape out at Hello Beautiful that you really need to go check out before it's too is from {Honey} and I love it!    

In a little over a week there is a new Kid event called {Once Upon  a Child} Event and Sugar & Spice made some really cute summer wear for the event.

What I am wearing:

Shape:  {Honey} at Hello Beautiful  Judith

Hair:  Doe  Elfie

Outfit:  Sugar & Spice coming to {Once Upon a Time} on May 5th.  Jourdy Hearts

Beach weather is just around the corner and so is the opening of {Once Upon a Time} but this round of Hello Beautiful will be closing soon, so mark your calendars and get over to grab this shape today before its too late!


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