Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lil Thug Princess:

Lil Thug Princess
Siera Viper (cece)
Sep 29th 2015, 19:42


Me and Gracie about the raid the kitchen and eat all the goodies we can find!!

We are wearing~


Ears-Mandala~Steking Ears season5

Teeth-Les Petites Poupées~Baby teeth & dimples

My necklace is from Tiny Trinkets.Its called To the Moon and is only available for wacky wednesdays which is sep 30th and sep 7th go and grab yours!

My lovely little bear is from the Hug A Bear Gacha at Blah

My Bracelets are from Ryca and are called Plane Silver 

Our Outfits are a new release from Spoiled One Couture & Whimsical-They are called Cozy Rainbow.Belt and Hairbow included.

Gracies Cuppycake is from the Let them eat Gacha at Tic Tot Toe-so many to collect 


Body's-Cute Bytes-Toddledoo-Babygirl

Shapes- my own (custom)

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