Monday, May 18, 2015

Lily Lana Hart Blog: Blog #13

Lily Lana Hart Blog
Blog #13
May 18th 2015, 15:17

Little Big me has just what every family needs for the summer!

A kiddy pool!

and Oh My Goodness, this pool is beyond adorable!

a great amount of places to sit for more then one avi!

and cut swimming animation!

This is a MUST! for the summer...

five stars !!!!

Dont forget to stock up on swim wear !

Little Big Me has you covered! so does Boomerang!

plenty of colors to choose form!

Little big me has matching mommy swim wear too.

what are you waiting for?

Pool: {LBM} Mermaid Kiddy Pool

child coral swim suit: {LBM} Coral Retro Swim Suit

child blue swim suit: @ boomerang ...coming soon...

mom swim suit: {Lil Big Me} Mamsen's Retro Suit

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