Sunday, May 10, 2015

Libby and Charlie:

Libby and Charlie
For Second Life Toddleedoo Kids
May 10th 2015, 19:25

Today I decided to let my Momma sleep in for a little bit longer then usual it being Mommy's Day and all!! So I went to go explore a new place I had heard about from a friend called It All Starts With A Smile. Before I left I packed a small bag of essentials I would need during my adventures for the morning with included some brand new outfits released by .:Soda Pop Shop:..  First thing I saw as soon as I got there was Ice cream!! And ohmygawds I love ice cream! I tried the pistachio and YUMMM! *pssst - Don't tell Mommy I had ice cream before breakfast....* 

What I am wearing:

.:Soda Pop Shop:.. ~ Kacey - Comes with everything you see on me! Tank Top, Skirt, Flats, Crown ( for the Princess in us of course!) Bow Ring, Heart Ring, And comes with sparkles for your face! 
Hair ~ Truth - Elyse Light Blondes
Prop ~ [Cosmic Dust Kids] - Yummy Ice Cream Pistachio ~ Available at The Playroom - May Round
Pose ~  .Flutter. ~ Pretty Girl 2

Welp after enjoying my ice cream I looked over my shoulder and saw some tiny boats floating in the water.. of course I had to quckly change into something that will allow me more movement. And a visor to block out the sun from my face! I got a little scratch on my leg from a splinter sticking out of the wood.. so I dug into my adventures pack and pulled out a band-aid....

What I am wearing:

.:Soda Pop Shop:.. ~ Kenzie ~ In Purple. Also comes in Pink! Outfit comes with everything you see on me ~ Visor, Bracelets, Jumper, Sandals, and Band aid.
Hair ~ D!va ~ Flora (Moon stone) Type A
Pose ~ .Flutter. ~ Pretty Girl 3

After i climbed down from the little boat.. more carefully this time I went on search for something bigger... like a sail boat!!! I changed into another outfit.. since i also got the other one a little bit wet.. oppsey daisy! So after I got changed I went up the pathway and first I came upon this amazing flower field I had to stop and admire.. Of course I started sneezing and all the pollen began to stick to my outfit.. Ughs!

What I am wearing:

.:Soda Pop Shop:.. ~ Natalie ~ This outfit comes with ~ Bracelets, Hair Bow, Top Ring, Capries, Tank Top, Necklace, Toe Sandals and Sparkles for your face!!
Hair  Magika ~ Beans 
Pose ~ .Flutter. ~ Pretty Girl 5

Welp... After sneeking for about 10 min I finally continued my search when I got to the top of the hill and I was finally able to see out into the open I couldn't believe my eyes!!! I saw a sailboat!!! After another quick change into something more suited for sailing I clambered down the hill and onto the shore where I boarded the sail boat and my heart sung! 

What I am wearing:

.:Soda Pop Shop:.. ~ Riley Dress ~ Comes with Bracelets, Cool Glasses *To keep that nasty glare from the oceans surf out of your eyes*, Dress, Sandals, Purse and an adorable little sailor buddy Bear! 
Hair ~ D!va ~ "Mimi" (Moon stone)

Welp that was all my adventures for the day.. I hope you enjoyed my journey this morning as much as I did *giggles*

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