Thursday, May 14, 2015

Libby and Charlie: Staying Grounded and Flying High

Libby and Charlie
For Second Life Toddleedoo Kids
Staying Grounded and Flying High
May 15th 2015, 04:43

Well today was definitely a new kind of adventure for Charlie and I. We were lounging about in our backyard and getting all excited for the upcoming Le Petit Fair when daddy noticed the lawn getting just a little bit to long.. Charlie asked what he could do to help.. welllll.. Daddy got this gleam in his eye... plopped out a lawn chair and put Charlie to work

Of course Mommy and I decided to go off and have a little fun so we took out our brand new kite. Unlucky for us a large gust of wind hit us and made the kite fly like crazy!!

I've never seen Mommy so panicked before! She quickly pulled me down and planted me on my feet!....Phew! All intact in one piece and Looking quite adorable in my new outfit!

To be continued......

Props and Poses:
Libby and Momma: Something New~ oh my Kiteness! ~ Only available at the Le Petit Fair 
Charlie and Daddy: Something New~ Dad's Mower ~ Only available at the Le Petit Fair 
Lemon-aid Urn ~ Loco.Motion ~ Only available at the Le Petit Fair 

What Libby is Wearing:
[cakepop] Backyard Dress - Peach ~ Only available at the Le Petit Fair - Opens May 15th!
{Tiny Trinkets} Fleur Flats Pink ~ Only available at the Le Petit Fair
Hair: Magika ~ Reading

What Charlie is Wearing:
.Flutter. ~ Black Slip On Shoes  - From The 'Bat Boy' Outfit
-Geek's-  TD Dino Swim Trunks :purple - Available at The Bro I Gatcha Event

What Momma is Wearing:
ZC Maxi Dress- Pom Pom M ~ available at the Le Petit Fair
Truth Hair ~  Dasha

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