Monday, May 11, 2015

Libby and Charlie: Mud? No...fruit?!

Libby and Charlie
For Second Life Toddleedoo Kids
Mud? No...fruit?!
May 11th 2015, 23:26

 So...I'm afraid to say that my mud sales didn't exactly turn out the way that I wanted to SO I decided to sharpen up and find another way! My daddy is always dressing up with ties and looks really smart so I thought maybe that would help me too! I went into the kitchen and got all of Libby's strawberries while momma and her went out for the morning! I forgot to ask her before they left...but I'm sure it's okay!

 Do you think people will come by and buy some strawberries? If this doesn't work...Iunno what I'll do!

I got my duckie tie on today! Fingers crossed that I get a lot of sales before Libby comes back home and sees that all her strawberries went missing!

Outfit: ToddleTeeZ Lil Big Man Duckie (Picture below)
Shoes: ToddleTeeZ - Zebra Sneakers (From ToddleTeeZ - Lil Pimp Gacha Outfit @ ATLT)

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